Five must visit Temples in Tirupathi!!

Not only from India but also people from other countries knew about the Thirumala Tirupathi Temple of Lord Sri Venkateshwara Swamy. There are a few more temples that must be seen when we visit Tirupathi.

Let us discuss five must-visit temples in Tirupathi:

  • Srinivasa Mangapuram.
  • Kapileshwara Swamy Temple.
  • Govindaraja Swamy Temple.
  • Sri Prasanna Venkateshwara Swamy Temple.
  • Kodanda Rama Swamy Temple.

Srinivasa Mangapuram - Sri Kalyana Srinivasa Swamy Temple:

The very oldest temple of Lord Sri Venkateshwara Swamy. Coming to the story behind this temple, After the marriage of Lord Venkateshwara with Goddess Sri Padmavathi Devi they both stayed here for 6 months. By this, we can understand how divine place it could be right.

For this reason, people started calling the lord 'Sri Kalyana Srinivasa Swamy'.

After 6 months Lord Sri Srinivasa and Sri Padmavathi Devi started to Tirumala. The path they traveled to Tirumala is called "Srivari Metlu". Till today many devotees take this path to visit Tirumala Temple.

There is a belief that people who are looking to get married and if they visit this temple and perform pooja with pure heart then they will get married very soon.

Kapileshwara Swamy Temple:

Lord Shiva is giving darshan in the form of Kapileshwara Swamy. Here the Linga is Swayambu(Self proclaimed).

Coming to the story behind this temple, In Tretha Yuga, Kapila Maharshi did enormous Thapasu (Prayers) to Lord Shiva and after many years Lord was pleased by his prayers, and by shattering the earth he came up and gave darshan to Kapila Maharshi. 

Very powerful temple one must compulsorily visit this temple.

Govindaraja Swamy Temple:

Sri Govindaraja Swamy temple is considered one of the oldest temples in Tirupathi where the lord idol will be seen in a sleeping position (Yoga Nidra posture) keeping his right hand under his head and left hand over his body.

 There is a vast story behind this temple, once long ago in Chidambaram, there was a king named Kuottunga Chola who is a Saivaite, at that time there was a big clash that was happening between Saivaites and Vaishnavas. The Saivaite king Kuottunga removed the idol from Garbhagudi and immersed it in the Ocean.

After many months, a few devotees worked very hard to find the idol and finally somehow brought the idol to Tirupathi without anyone's knowledge.

At that time Saint Ramanujacharya was in Tirupathi and got to know that the idol was found and he thought of reinstalling this idol here in Tirupathi but due to some other reasons, they made a new Idol of Govindaraja Swamy and installed it in Tirupathi.

Sri Prasanna Venkateshwara Swamy Temple:

This Temple is located in Appalayagunta near Thirupathi. 

If you go to any temple of lord Sri Ventakeshwara there you can see lord will be showing Varadha Hasta (the plam of hand with fingers pointing to downwards), but only in this temple lord will be showing Abhaya Hasta (the plam of hand with fingers pointing to upwards).

Varadha Hasta

Varadha Hasta                                                                                                             Abhaya Hasta

 The history behind this Temple:

From the place called Narayanavanam, Lord Venkateshwara Swamy and Padmavathi Devi started their journey to Tirumala, On the way, they stayed in Sidheshwara Ashrama and gave blessing to Siddheshwara muni. As per his request, Lord Srinivasa is giving darshan to all the devotees in the form of Prasanna Venkateshwara Swamy.

Kodanda Rama Swamy Temple:

Kodanda Rama Swamy Temple is located at Tirupathi, As per Purana the idols of Lord Rama, Devi Sita, and Lakshmana were installed by Jambavantha(Bhakta of Lord Rama) who is from Tretha Yug. Later the temple was renovated by King Janmejaya.

Here comes the story of this temple, During Tretha Yug Lord Rama, Devi Sita, and Lakshmana and his followers resided at this place for a few days while returning from Lanka (Present Srilanka).

Many kings came here and developed the architecture of the Temple, especially by Sri Krishna Deva Raya in 15h century.

  • So take a long weekend and travel to Tirupathi and visit these temples and have the blessing of Lord Sri Hari.


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