Puri Jagannath Temple:

Not just one or two, every segment of this Puri Jagannath Temple is a wonder and miracle. None of the scientists couldn't decode the mysteries here.

We all know about the famous Chardham Yatra, Puri Jagannath Temple is the first place to visit in Chardham yatra.

Let us see the Origin of this Temple:

Puri Jagannath Temple is one of the oldest temples of Lord Jagannath- the Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

This Temple is located in Puri in the state of Odisha. Here we can see three Idols i.e. idols of Lord Jagannath, Subhadra Devi, and Balarama.

Lord Brahma came here and installed these Idols!! (let's dig deep into the story).

In the 12th century, there was a king called Indradhumnya. He had a desire to see God that how he looks like, to fulfill his desire he did Yagnas (Fire ritual) and immense worship to Lord Vishnu then one day Lord Vishnu came to his dream and said " In few days huge wooden blocks will be coming to the Seashore from Bay of Bengal sea so collect those blocks and keep it with you".

As stated, after few days people saw huge wooden blocks floating in the Bay of Bengal Sea. King ordered them to bring those blocks. 

He didn't understand what to do with those blocks. The next day an old man came to that place and asked to give those blocks to him so that he will create the Idols of God. King agreed and handed over the blocks. The Old man said for the next 21 days no one should visit this room (Present Garbhagudi) but out of curiosity King and his wife came and opened the doors of that room before completion of 21 days, the old man who was inside the room got disappeared and they can see three Idols and only till face part was completed. The old man was Vishwakarma (Craftsman for Gods), Lord Vishnu only sent him to build those idols.

King was so depressed by his mistake and prayed Vishnu to forgive him. Lord Vishnu again came to his dream and said no need to worry I will give Dharshan to all devotees in this form itself and placing idols and first Pooja will be done by Lord Brahma.

Now let us see some amazing facts about this Temple:

  • Sudharshana Chakra:

Irrespective of where you stand in Puri, the Sudharshana Chakra which is on top of the Gopura (Dome) will be always facing you.


  • The Holy Flag:

The Flag which is located on the top of the main Gopuram (Dome), always waves in the opposite direction to the wind.

  • Empty Sky:

Surprisingly nothing flies above the temple, not even a single bird.

  • Gopuram (Dome):

The shadow of the Gopuram is not visible to anyone whatever be the time.

  • God's Prasadham:

This is amazing that while cooking they will place 7 vessels one on above and the one which is on top will be finished first. 

  • Breeze in Ocean:

During the daytime in coastal areas, the wind blows from sea to land and in the evening time and vice-versa but in Puri, it's the quite opposite.

We all know that this temple is famous for Jagannath Ratha Yatra.

3 Huge chariots with larger wheels ever seen.

Interesting facts about Jagannath Ratha Yatra:

  • The height of the Ratha is 45 feet. 
  • Lord Jagannath Ratha name: Nandhighosh,  Balarama Ratha name: Taladhwaj, and Subhadradevi Ratha name: Devadalan.
  • Three huge chariots are built every year for the sake of Ratha Yatra.
  • On the day of auspicious Akshaya thirthiya, the construction of the Chariot begins.
  • No measurement tape is used for constructing the Chariots they only use traditional methods i.e. with the help of hands and fingers.
  •  The strange part is, these huge Chariots are built without using a single piece of metal. They only use wooded pegs and holders for joints.
  • Every year on the day of Ratha yatra rainfall occurs.
  • Each Chariot consists of 16 wheels.
  • There is a belief that Lord Garuda Dev will be the Rakshak for these chariots. Note: Lord Jagannath doesn't require any Rakshak for his Chariots as he is supreme of all but in order the give Punya (good deeds) he acts like that.

Hope everyone will visit this temple and have the blessing of Lord Jagannath!!


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